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Our website features a collection of vibrant stock photos carefully chosen to enhance your healthcare education experience. These captivating visuals are designed to inspire and engage prospective students like you. We believe that a visually appealing learning environment fosters enthusiasm and dedication to your healthcare career goals. Explore our phlebotomy and Phlebotomy Technician healthcare education opportunities today!


Phlebotomy Technician Training

6-Week, 48-Clock Hour Program

Course Objectives

The objective of this training program is to provide students with the knowledge and skills that are required to become a professional phlebotomy technician. The program curriculum is aligned with current community and industry demands, with an emphasis on applying blood and body fluid collection theory and hands-on training to real-world patient situations. The technical collection and processing skills acquired in this program will allow students to successfully pass the NHA certification exam, and subsequently, obtain gainful employment as an entry-level phlebotomy technician. Upon successful completion, students will be able to:

  • Describe proper handling, transport, and processing standards for blood and body fluids
  • Accurately and safely perform blood collections, including routine venipuncture and dermal puncture, and point-of-care testing in adult patient populations
  • Identify the appropriate needle types and special collection procedures for clinical situations
  • Deliver high-quality patient care through quality phlebotomy and the observance of legal considerations
  • Maintain patient privacy and confidentiality per facility and federal regulations 

Students will perform 10 dermal sticks and 30 venipuncture sticks on their classmates using venipuncture and dermal puncture equipment. Students will serve as patients for their classmates, and vice versa.

Course Schedules

Phlebotomy Technician classes are taught on Tuesdays and Thursdays (Evenings), Mondays and Wednesdays (Days) or Saturdays and Sundays for six (6) weeks. Students can elect to take either the residential or blended (hybrid) delivery format.

Day Classes: 12 Days = 6 Weeks; Residential

Lecture and Lab
12 Days / 6 Weeks
Start - End Dates
Feb. 4 - Mar. 13, 2025/// Mar. 25 - May 1, 2025
9:00am - 1:20pm

Evening Classes: 12 Days = 6 Weeks; Residential

Lecture and Lab
12 Days / 6 Weeks
Start - End Dates
Feb. 4 - Mar. 13, 2025/// Mar. 25 - May 1, 2025
Tue / Thu
5:30pm- 9:50pm

Weekend Classes: 12 Days= 6 Weeks; Residential

Lecture and Lab
12 Days / 6 Weeks
Start - End Dates
Feb. 15 - Mar. 23, 2025
Sat / Sun
9:00am - 1:20pm

Evening Classes: 12 Days = 6 Weeks; Blended

Lecture (Zoom)
Lab (Classroom)
10 Days / 5 Weeks
2 Days / 1 Week **Up to 30 days
Start- End Dates
Mar. 4 - Apr. 10, 2025
Tue / Thu

Students will meet with the instructor online on the Zoom app at every scheduled class session for Day 1 - Day 10. Students will return in-person for classroom instruction on Day 11 - Day 12 to perform lab skills. Class concludes on Day 12 with the final exam, resume building, and presentation of a certificate of successful completion. Students that require additional lab time to obtain the 40 required sticks will be able to do so at no additional cost, considering their average is 75% or higher, they pose no safety concerns to self or others, and attendance requirements have been met. Lab sticks must be completed within 30 days of lecture completion.

Tuition and Fees:

Apply today to WIOA or for financial assistance.

Total Tuition Cost: $1,475

-Payment Plan $215/wk Available

-Includes: textbook, skills supplies


Due at Registration:

-$100.00 Application Fee 

-$20.00 Background Check Fee

Application Fee ($100.00; Non-Refundable)

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

Background Check Fee ($20.00; Non-Refundable)

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

Full Tuition Payment ($1,475.00)

*It is recommended to pay the full tuition cost in-person.*

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

Weekly Payment ($295.00)

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

Note: PayPal payments are subject to transaction fees.

Accepted Payment Methods: We accept money orders, corporate checks (made payable to Life Solutions for Health), PayPal, cash, and credit/debit cards. Cash payments must be made in exact amounts and are only accepted in person at the time of registration.

Due by First Day of Class

1.  Submission of all required admissions documents

2. Documentation of hepatitis B immunization or declination form

3. Tuition fee paid-in-full or signed payment plan agreement

4. Uniform: solid navy blue scrub set and tennis shoes

5. Clear purse, bag, or backpack to hold all materials (e.g., pens/pencils, notebook, highlighters)

6. Laptop or iPad tablet

7. If you are a expecting mother, you must provide written documentation from your physician to participate in live draws.

Our website features a collection of vibrant stock photos carefully chosen to enhance your healthcare education experience. These captivating visuals are designed to inspire and engage prospective students like you. We believe that a visually appealing learning environment fosters enthusiasm and dedication to your healthcare career goals. Explore our phlebotomy and Phlebotomy Technician healthcare education opportunities today!

Life Solutions for Health is a Phlebotomy Technician training facility that is approved by the State of Georgia. As an affiliated testing site for the NHA exam, students are eligible to take their certification exams at our facility upon successful course completion. If you are looking for a Metro Atlanta Phlebotomy Technician program, your training begins here with us! Contact us and enroll today to get started on your path to success!

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