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Our website features a collection of vibrant stock photos carefully chosen to enhance your healthcare education experience. These captivating visuals are designed to inspire and engage prospective students like you. We believe that a visually appealing learning environment fosters enthusiasm and dedication to your healthcare career goals. Explore our CNA, phlebotomy, and medical assistant healthcare education opportunities today!

Admissions Requirements


Applicable to All Programs


Next In-Person Registration:  Please schedule an appointment by email.


Our website features a collection of vibrant stock photos carefully chosen to enhance your healthcare education experience. These captivating visuals are designed to inspire and engage prospective students like you. We believe that a visually appealing learning environment fosters enthusiasm and dedication to your healthcare career goals. Explore our CNA, phlebotomy, and medical assistant healthcare education opportunities and enroll today!

General Admissions Requirements

  • 17 Years of Age or Older
  • Ability to Read, Write, and Speak English
  • Valid Government-Issued Photo ID
  • Social Security Card
  • Clear Criminal Background Check
  • Evidence of High School Graduation or equivalent (not required for our Nursing Assistant Program; 11th and 12th Grade High School students are encouraged to enroll into the Nursing Assistant Program)
  • Basic math and reading entrance exam will be given to nursing assistant students without a high school diploma (must be read in English) or GED
  • Fully Vaccinated or Vaccination Exemption Form (Required for Nursing Assistant and Medical Assistant programs)

Photo ID

Acceptable forms of ID include:

  • Driver's License
  • U.S. Passport
  • State ID Card
  • U.S. Military ID

Criminal Background Check

A felony conviction makes you ineligible for admission into our programs. Certain felony charges and misdemeanors pertaining to violent crimes and/or crimes against another person or child are also considered ineligible offenses to enter our program.

High School Graduation

Proof of high school graduation must be evidenced by one of the following:

  • HS Diploma
  • HS Transcript
  • GED Diploma or Transcript
  • College Transcript (showing at least 2 yrs completed towards  a 4-yr degree)

COVID-19 Policy


Nursing Assistant students must be fully vaccinated or have a signed vaccination exemption form on file.

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